Crochet creatures GALLERY

Crochet dog Crochet mouse Crochet-lamb

Crochet dog Fat cat Crochet sheep couple

Little crochet bunnies Little crochet bear Crochet coffee cat

Crochet fat cat with a mouse Crochet crafty fat cat Red crochet horse

Fat cat with a bird Blue crochet horse Crochet fat cat with sausages

Crochet dog Crochet mini fat cat Crochet horse

Crochet baby fox Rainbow dog Crochet robot

1 comment:

  1. A coworker of mine shared your link with me and I noticed your cute crocheted creatures along with your cactus and trees. When will the patterns be available for purchase for the crocheted creatures? Crochet sheep Couple; Crochet lamb; Crochet Crafty Fat cat; Fat Cat w/Mouse; Crochet Coffee Cat; Fat Cat w/Bird; Fat Cat; Fox and Mouse.

    Andrea Livingston-Shuman


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